A nutritionist pinpoints superfoods that can improve memory, lower blood pressure, boost the immune system and more
1. Coffe
There's more than caffeine in your morning cup of joe. It's loaded with antioxidants, which can protect against cell damage and lower your risk of chronic disease, including diabetes, heart disease and stroke. A 2012 study in theNew England Journal of Medicine showed that coffee drinkers had significantly lower odds of dying during the 13-year study period than did nondrinkers.
2. Thyme
Long known for its ability to fight bacteria, thyme, in tincture form, was recently found to be as effective as prescription creams in treating acne. Plus, new research suggests that thyme — as well as clove, rose, eucalyptus, fennel and bergamot — may suppress inflammation in the same way as resveratrol, the beneficial ingredient in red wine.
3. Wild Salmon
Chock-full of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, wild salmon can be a powerful ally in the fight against premature aging. According to exciting research from Ohio State University, a diet abundant in omega-3s can help preserve small bits of DNA on the ends of cells, called telomeres. Shorter telomeres have been linked to early aging and even premature death.
4. Kale
Rich in vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting, this dark, leafy green additionally contains lutein, a nutrient that reduces the risk of cataracts and other eye disorders. One serving of cooked kale contains nearly triple the amount of lutein as a serving of raw spinach.
5. Avocado
Once reviled for their high fat content (a medium avocado has 22 grams of fat — about a third of the recommended daily allotment), avocados have regained favor as a great source of glutathione, an antioxidant that decreases inflammation and improves overall hormone function.
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